女性上位時代  (La Matriarca) 2001.04
      The best movie on equus eroticus i have known !
女性上位時代U クライマックスシーンの分析 Oct1,2004
  An analystic study on climax sequence of "La Matriarca"
エーゲ海に捧ぐ  (Dedicato al  mare Egeo) 2001.05
      Another movie which contains a wonderful scene
      of equus eroticus.
ペロの部屋  (El  cuarto del Perro) 2001.05
     Have you heard about this movie ?

痴人の愛 2001.04
     (“A Love Story of an Idiot” by Tanizaki Junichiro)
ある夢想家の手帖から 2001.05
   (“From Notebook of a Daydreamer” by Numa Shozo)
『手帖』の挿画〜絵とき沼正三〜 (Sept.25, 2018) 
   (Illustrations in "From Notebook of a Fantasist")
家畜人ヤプー 2001.05
      (“Yaphoo the Manimal” by Numa Shozo)
On "Yahoo the Manimal" (in English) Mar.27, 2010
男を飼う      (25th, May,2002)
美しい足に踏まれて (Oct. 13, 2003) 
     ("Footsucker" by Geoff Nicholson)
Psychopathia Sexualis  Feb.21,2018
   プシコパチア・セクシュアリス (『病的性心理』) 
マギー’s犬,   マギー’s犬Jr. (Mar.25, 2006)   
      (Manga "Maggie's Dog", "Maggie's Dog Jr.")
月光の囁き (Mar.25, 2006)
        (Manga "Whispers of Moonlight")

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