on "Yapoo the Manimal" |
[Basic Information]
gYapoo the Manimalh is the most important literature of masochism in
the postwar Japan.
This novel was written by an unidentified writer named Numa Shozo. It first appeared in 1956 as a serialized story in a cult magazine for sexual perverts. Subsequently, gYapoo the Manimalh won nation wide popularity exceptional for this kind of literature.
In this "politically incorrect" fantasy based on explicit racism, Numa depicted futuristic world dominated by "White"(i.e. Caucasian) women.
In a short introductory remark to the serially of the magazine, Numa says;
" This is a story of the world two thousand years later in which only whites are privileged to enjoy civilization. There blacks are slaves divested of their human rights, and Japanese are, lower than slaves, treated as a kind of domestic animals called "yapoo", which are used as living tools or kept as pets. In this story, a contemporary Japanese male is taken to future world as such with his white girl friend, and has terrible experience."
In that world two millennia later, descendants of Japanese worship Caucasians as gods.
To the Caucasians, on the other hand, Japanese are 'yapoo', nothing more
than animals.
As such, these descendants of Japanese are ebredf by their Caucasian
mistresses to be eimprovedf into a large variety of freaks for pleasure
and practical use. Detailed descriptions of various kinds of yapoo as well
as history, structure and customs of the world they exist are the keynote
of this saga.
"Yapoo the Manimal" is a story how a young Japanese man, who
is a macho with normal sexuality (and who will be a high-ranking official
of Japan), is turned into yapoo, accepting "philosophy" of the
EHS to worship Caucasian women and adoring his former fiancee as his mistress.
This long story begins with a scene in which a loving couple enjoy riding in a mountain of Germany in 196x..
One of them is a 23 years old Japanese man named Sebe Rinfichiro, or "Rin". He is a student sent abroad by his company, which he entered after he had graduated the University of Tokyo, the best name university in Japan. He is an expert judo man, too.
The other one is his fiancee, Clara Von Cotwick. Born to a distinguished family of East Germany, she is a 21 years old at that time. She is a student, and is praised as gQueen of the Universityh because of her beauty and intelligence.
She is an excellent horsewoman, too.
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When she rests in a hut after the ride while he bathes in a stream with nothing on, a flying saucer crash-lands. They venture to enter the UFO, to find a blonde woman of extraordinary beauty faint in a room. Rinfichiro brings her around.
The woman, named Pauline Jansen, introduces herself as a marchionet (heiress to marchioness) of gThe Empire of a Hundred Sunsh, or EHS (pronounced as eee-sf or 'yis'). The UFO is her cruiser for time travel.
EHS is the cosmic (inter-planet) empire in two thousands years future.
In the room of the time travel cruiser, Clara and Rinfichiro see the fruits
of advanced science of the future world. The gfruitsh they meet include
several kinds of gyapooh; human-animals. One of them, who is made into
a yap-dog (human dog), bites Rinfichiro to paralyze him with anesthetic
in the fangs. This accident makes it inevitable for Clara and Rinfichiro
to go to EHS for the antidote with Pauline by her time machine.
On their way, Pauline tells Clara basic facts on EHS and yapoo.
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EHS has stratified social structure.
Major peeresses, most are of Anglo descent, occupy tops of the hierarchy. Their husbands serve them, like wives served their husbands in the age of feudalism.
There are a thousand families of major peeresses and ten thousand minor peeresses in the domain of EHS, which possesses several hundreds of planets. These aristocrats govern commoners who are a hundred thousand times as many as nobles.
The regular citizens of the EHS, noble and ignoble alike, are "Whites" (Caucasians).
Under them, there are "Blacks" (i.e. Negroids) who are a hundred times as many as Caucasians, and descendents of Japanese who are some millions times as many as Negroids.
In gYapoo the Manimalsh, it is explained how this population composition
was made up in the cosmic empire which was built after World Nuclear War,
and why only Japanese survived the war among Asian peoples. But the story
is too complicated to retell here.
In the worldview of the EHS citizens, only ewhitesf (Caucasians) are deserved to be entitled as human beings.
eBlacksf (Negroids) are semi-human (or edemi-womankindf in EHS usage),
and their reason for existing is to serve the whites as slaves. (If you
are an African or an Afro-descent person, please donft get mad. This is
just the fantasy of a perv named Numa Shozo)
A probing watching system and laws with extremely severe penalties prevent black people from rebelling against their fair skinned oppressors.
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Descendants of Japanese, or yapoo (noun whose plural has the same form
as its singular like 'fish' and 'deer') as they are called in the EHS,
are not counted among human beings at all. They are regarded as pseudo
humans, or manimals.
A etheoryf says that yapoo are a kind of apes in the similitude of men.
Though they look like humans, yapoo are totally different creatures from
human beings. Scientific name of yapoo is esimius sapiensf, which means eintelligent apef. This theory has been accepted as an established scientific knowledge since a scientist of the EHS put forward it in the 23rd century.
With this theory, ewhitesf have been using Japanese as domestic animals, making them into anything at will without any prick of conscience.
By the 40th century, advanced technology of the EHS has made it possible to transform human bodies into any shape and any size. Techniques used there include followings. Each technique may be used alone or combined with others.
*selective breeding
*genetic operations
*surgical operations
*downsizing device (which make it possible to diminish size of human body down to one-fiftieth)
Sometimes yapoo are endowed mind reading ability to increase convenience
of their user.
So if you were a Japanese male, you may be born as a giant who stands some 5 meters (16 feet) tall, to be trained as a two-legged horse for a EHS lady.
Or you may be scaled down to be a midget 3.5 cm (1.4 inch) tall to be used as a tunnel boy, a kind of sex-worms who work in the mucous environment in the body of your mistress just after she makes love with her boyfriend or husband.
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You may be made into a living furniture. There are many different kinds
of them.
For example, 'cunnilinguer' is usually used as footrest by its mistress, but when she gets desired it serves to her as her dildo. It is 90cm long, and its tongue is transformed into body of erectile tissue. Every part of its body has been processed for the purpose.
Toilets are also made from yapoo. As you see the drawing bellow, toilet
yapoo are tremendously deformed. EHS citizens don't have to go to lavatory
when they like to relieve themselves. Just they call toilet yapoo by whistle
or snapping their fingers. In case of toilet yapoo which are endowed mind
reading ability, just thinking to use it is enough.
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Generally speaking, female Yapoo are less deformed. If you were a Japanese
female, you may be used as a yapomb (yapoo+womb), of which uterus a embryo
of a Caucasian woman is to be transplanted to. Or you may have all your
teeth pulled out and tied your hands behind you to be made into a penilinger
(penis+linguer), of which reason for existing is to fellate your Caucasian
master with your gums.
From Caucasian's point of view, yapoo are much lower then human beings,
domestic animals like dogs and horses.
From yapoo's point of view, then, caucasians are something higher than themselves.
Yapoo worship, revere and fear Caucasians as deities. Far from feeling bitter against maltreatment by whites, they enjoy and are proud of to be used by their light skinned divinities. This religious faith of yapoo is called "Albinism"
At first, Clara reacts bitterly against the EHS citizens' way of thinking.
But gradually starts to accept it. After a series of incidents, which occur
in a day from the beginning, she falls in love with an aristocrat who is
a brother-in-law of Pauline Jansen. She puts off Rin as her fiancee and
accepts him as her yapoo.
Rin is made into yapoo, physically as well as mentally. His skin is processed to resist heat and cold without clothes; actually it reject any clothes and he has to live shark naked. He is castrated.
And his brain is washed to accept "philosophy" of the EHS.
He undergoes 'Urinary Baptism', a religious ceremony in which yapoo is covered with urine of its mistress to welcome it into the Albinism faith.
He is now a yapoo owned by Clara, whom he worships as his chief goddess and guardian deity.@
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Adventure of Clara and Rin in the EHS continues.
[About English translation of the title]
Comes later
[History of "Yapoo the Manimal"]
Comes later
[About the auther]
Comes later