Drawings inspired by "A Diary of Governess in Brazil." |
2010.03.27 | ||||||
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2010.03.27 | 2015.05.03 | |||||
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A Diary of Governess in Brazil (English) |
女教師ブラジル日記 |
from "A Diary of Governess in Brazil /Tagebuchblatter einer Gouvernante in Brasilien" |
私が令嬢・令息だけでなく、もっとほかの者まで仕込んでいるといったら、びっくりなさるでしょうが、本当なの。 両脚の馬たちに乗られ方を仕込んでいます。 この農場では黒奴の肩は馬の背に並ぶ交通機関だと、この前お知らせしたわね。 あの時は私はそういう風習に偏見を持っていたけど、今は公正に見られるわ。 私たちの靴を舐めることが彼らの精神の健康によいと同様に、被乗勤務は彼らの肉体の健康に役立つの。 交通機関としてベストの肉体を選び出すためばかりでなく、奴隷たち全てを精神も肉体もベスト・コンディションにおくために、私たちは彼らに次々に被乗勤務を命じなければならないわけ。 農場中、コーヒー栽培作業を見廻るだけなら、馬に乗ってでも差支えはないらしいのだけど。 黒奴に乗るには、腰布を取らせて素裸にしてから、特別の鞍を肩に担わせ、しゃがませて肩の上に跨る姿勢で腰をおろすの。 股をあまり開かないし、馬に乗るより気楽な感じだわ。 調教済奴隷と違って、新入りの中には、乗られてからも言うことをきかない若者たちもいるけど、そういう奴らを乗りこなすのには馬勒を使うの。そうすると造作なくおとなしくなってしまうわ。 これは鼻の軟骨につけた輪の左右から細い鎖を引いて端をあぶみに固定させる方法で、これで女騎手(のりて)は物凄い支配力を獲得するわけ。 だって足で軽く触れるだけで頭をぐいと下に引っ張って苦痛を感じさせるんですもの。 でも私は鼻輪にすぐ頼ることはしないの。乗り馴らすことで段々変えてゆくほうが正しい躾けでしょうし、私は女教師ですもの。わかるでしょ。 毎日々々、こういうことが全て面白くてたまらないの。 私は騎乗にとても熱心だから、調教中の奴隷のうちの一人だって、(被乗勤務の)服務が少ないなんて不平は言わないわ。 女教師の立場からも、この教育(調教)は張合いがあるの。 その教え子たちにだけは上級学校(高等訓練)が期待できるわけだし、生意気な口ごたえもしないから、結構可愛いくもあるわ。 高等人より劣等人を教えるほうが楽しいなんて、奇妙に聞こえるでしょうけど、ほかの同僚(の女教師たち)も、同意見なのよ。 朝晩令嬢と並んで一鞍責めることにしてるけど、そのたびに必ず鞍革に滲(し)みとおるまで玉の汗をかかせるんだから、黒奴たちは贅肉のない見事な体格を私たちの拍車と鞭とに感謝すべきだと思うわ。 令嬢は、この課目でだけは私の先生になれるんで、少々お得意なの。 なにしろ子供の時から乗り慣れてる。 この間朝の騎乗で手綱を交換している時聞いたことだけど、彼女の愛馬は、乳母の年長の息子で、彼女が物心ついた頃には、もう生きた木馬として子供部屋の床を彼女を背に這い廻ってたそうよ。 奥様は、いちばん頑丈な奴らに乗って毎日原野に遠乗りよ。 いちばん辛い目にあうのはこの連中ね。なぜって奥様は、体重も体重だけど、それ以上に女騎手(のりて)としてきびしいの。 帰って来た奴の太腿や脇腹が血だらけ、みみず腫れだらけなのが厳格さの証拠よ。 拍車や鞭でばかりじゃない。彼女のため鼻中隔の(鼻輪用の)孔を奥のほうへ穿ち直さなければならなくされた奴隷も何人かいるわ・・・・・ |
It may sound absurd that I am educating here not only their daughter and son but also someone else. But it's true. I educate two legged horses how to be mounted. As I told you in my previous letter, shoulders of black slaves are equivalent to backs of horses as a means of transportation in this plantation. At first I was biased against such custom. But now I see the justice of it. By serving us as our mounts, slaves can improve their physical health, in the same way as it is good for their mental health to lick our shoes. We have to demand them, one after another, of the duty of being mounted, not only in order to select best flesh as a means of transportation but also to keep all the slaves best conditioned both in mind and in body. I heard that just for going around the plantation to oversee workers cultivating coffee, you may do it well on horses. To ride a black slave, you should make it to take off its loincloth to strip it totally naked. Then put a specially made saddle on its shoulders, make it kneel down, and sit astride. Riding on slaves is easier than riding on the horse because you don't have to open your legs so wide. Unlike tamed ones, some newcomer lads are disobedient to their riders. To break such fellows we use a kind of bit. With it you can tame wild ones effortlessly. The device is a pair of stirrups fixed with fine chains, which are connected to a nose ring piercing through nasal septum. By this device a riding mistress gains firm control over her mount, because even a subtle movement of her feet on stirrups can pull its head down, causing it acute pain. But I don't use the device easily. It is more proper way of discipline to reform untamed ones little by little, accustom them to be mounted and make them our faithful mounts. I am a governess and prefer to the right way of discipline, as you know. I really enjoy all of these things every day. The daughter and I make a point of riding every morning and late afternoon. Every time we ride we make our mounts be drenched with sweat so much that leather of our saddles is soaked through. So, I think, these black slaves shall be grateful to our spars and crops for their well built, flab-free bodies. The girl has a proud look because she can be my teacher for this subject. Anyhow, she has been accustomed to ride from her childhood. In a morning when we rode abreast she told me that her mount was an elder son of her nanny, and that from her earliest recollection it served her as her living wooden-horse, crawling around her room on its hands and knees with her on its back. Madame selects one of the sturdiest bodies everyday to have a long ride outside the plantation. These fellows are to suffer the most severe hardship. One of the reasons is her weight, but more than that, she is relentless as a rider. Her strictness is clearly seen when she comes back on her slave, with its thighs and sides covered with bloodstains and welts. She shows her harshness not just with her spurs and crop; some slaves had to make a new hole in deeper part of their nasal septum.... |
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