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愛馬アポロン号 Apollo, her favorite steed |
To ride a black slave, you should make it to take off its loincloth to
strip it totally naked. Then put a specially made saddle on its shoulders,
make it kneel down, and sit astride. Unlike tamed ones, some newcomer lads are disobedient to their riders. To break such fellows we use a kind of bit. With it you can tame wild ones effortlessly. The device is a pair of stirrups fixed with fine chains, which are connected to a nose ring piercing through nasal septum. By this device a riding mistress gains firm control over her mount, because even a subtle movement of her feet on stirrups can pull its head down, causing it acute pain. But I don't use the device easily. It is more proper way of discipline to reform untamed ones little by little, accustom them to be mounted and make them our faithful mounts. I am a governess and prefer to the right way of discipline, as you know.. |
from "A Diary of Governess in Brazil", originally in German,
translated into Japanese by Numa Shozo, retranslated into English by Old man Equine. |
黒奴に乗るには、腰布を取らせて素裸にしてから、特別の鞍を肩に担わせ、しゃがませて肩の上に跨る姿勢で腰をおろすの。 ・・・調教済奴隷と違って、新入りの中には、乗られてからも言うことをきかない若者たちもいるけど、そういう奴らを乗りこなすのには馬勒を使うの。そうすると造作なくおとなしくなってしまうわ。これは鼻の軟骨につけた輪の左右から細い鎖を引いて端をあぶみに固定させる方法で、これで女騎手(のりて)は物凄い支配力を獲得するわけ。だって足で軽く触れるだけで頭をぐいと下に引っ張って苦痛を感じさせるんですもの。 でも私は鼻輪にすぐ頼ることはしないの。乗り馴らすことで段々変えてゆくほうが正しい躾けでしょうし、私は女教師ですもの。わかるでしょ。 |
沼正三・著『ある夢想家の手帖から』 第112章「植民地生れの女性」所収「女教師ブラジル日記」より |
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