Ladies of the Plantation

My Favorite Black Beauty
Djongo; Chained, Harnessed and Whipped to be Driven by his White Mistresses
until the day he dies

Sept.7, 2013

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My Favorite Black Beauty
"Djongo; Chained, Harnessed and Whipped
to be Driven by his White Mistresses
until the day he dies













Rebecca is 24 years old. Until two year ago she lived in a big city of Europe with her mother, older sister and a dozen or so servants. Her father died when she was 3 years old. Her family was sustained by her mother's father, who run a big plantation in a transmarine southern country.

Then her grandfather died, and her mother succeeded him. She went to the southern country to be the owner of the plantation. With her, Rebecca crossed the ocean. Following is a letter of her to her friend in Europe.


When they go to the town or visit their neighboring planter's house, ladies of this region usually use rickshaws and slaves.

 Rickshaws are less bulky than coaches, and trained slaves mind so well that it is much easier for women to drive them than horses. These are official reasons of high popularity rickshaws enjoy among ladies. The bottom line might be that it gives them more pleasure to whip slaves than flogging horses. Humane Society, who will condemn you if you whip animals severely, says nothing about punishment on your slaves how cruelly you do it. So, whipping slaves makes excellent recreation for ladies here.

Some ladies select their "horses" from slaves for farm labor. In that case, however, you can't use them in busy farming seasons. So ladies of affluent family keep their own "horses".

Sometimes you see a team of two or three mares is used instead of a stallion. But I always make a heavyset stallion pull my cart because it is bother for me to control more than one horse.
I visited slave auction from times to time to find a right stallion for me. At long last I found one who had good looking and a nice body with powerful legs, and I made a successful bid for it. I trained it by myself, of course

When I got him, his skin was virgin, which means that he had never been whipped before. He had just been imported from his place of origin, and was very proud and rebellious.. So I had to break my wild stallion before I train it.

I tamed my beast  throughly with my whip, till it lost all the pride and rebellious spirit to his mighty mistress. It was just like to tan raw hide into soft leather. Besides whip, I used techniques I learned from my mother to tame slaves.
My efforts were well rewarded. I made him a good slave of mine, very obedient and submissive to me, Now It is his new sense of purpose in life to be chained to my cart, driven by my whip, and to run out pulling the cart on which I ride.

Human horses, stallions and mares alike, are stripped off all their clothes before they are chained to cart. Otherwise, they will soon get drenched in sweat which will make their appearance ungraceful to see. Moreover, whips don't work well over clothes. The reason we take their loincloths off is for the sake of convenience in case they have to heed nature's call. 

As a result, only well-built males, who look much better naked than with clothes, are selected as "stallions" to be chained to the cart.
Their physical frame will become still more powerful, thanks to our whips, which little do we dream to spare.
There is a kind of internal competition among ladies on "stallions" they own. They compete with each other on facial and physical appearance of their pet beast of burden, as well as on their agility, running form, etc.. And,,,,. on shape and size of the moving part, too.

My boy knows it very well and always does his best to meet my expectations.
I wish one day you will come here to see how proudly he pulls the cart I ride.

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